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Application for Letter of Visitation


To request a “Letter of Invitation,” please provide the following information to Dr. Reginald Salter, Director of Student Activities, Programs, and Ceremonies- This letter does not guarantee that your family member will be granted a visa, but may be helpful to them when applying for a visitor’s visa.

Questions? Please contact Student Affairs, 202-806-0235.

Student's Name

Title (Mr. Miss Mrs. Dr.)

Howard University ID #

Passport Number and Issuing Country

Names of persons to be invited (two per student)

1. Title (Mr. Miss Mrs. Dr.)

2. Full Name

3. County of Residence

4. Passport number and issuing country

5. Relationship to student

6. Length of visit ?  Start Date and End Date (we will verify 1 day prior to event and 1 day after)

7. Who will cover cost of visit?

8. Is there any pertinent information you would like us to know as we prepare the letter?

9. Email or mailing address to forward the letter

10. Indicate if you will need separate letters

11. Indicate if Notary if required

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Howard University | College of Dentistry
The Office of Student Affairs

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